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Date Uploaded: 10/11/2024

Corruption in Los Angeles – A Conspiracy of the Ages


This document has been created to make known there is a conspiracy within the Elected Administration of Los Angeles to illegally funnel State and Federal Dollar’s through the guise of community development projects.


Contracts for the, dissolved, CRA-DLA agency allocated regions of Los Angeles that parallel both Promise Zone Initiatives.


Utilizing reductions in legislative and bureaucratic oversight, they funneled community dollars into inflated and low impact programs.


However, the majority of the funds are nowhere to be seen nor recorded for. The efforts for which the funds were distributed, were not realized.


Regions have been turned into underground party arenas for local industry and college students. Image (3), on page five (5), illustrates a first-hand report of a shooting and death of one (1) individual on 10/04/2024 – at one of these locations.


2013 Promise Zone and Current Slate-Z promise Zone cover many of the regions CRA-DLA covered.


Per – over $284 million in grants and four federal designations resulting in more than $352 million have been awarded for the region to date.


Click the Names Below to View the Boundaries:


  1).   2013 Promise Zone


  2).   Slate-Z Boundary


  3).   L.A. City GeoHub – Redevelopment Boundaries



Stimulation for Research

It is unique for military personnel, business professionals and politicians to take a demotion of title; it is uncommon for elected assembly members to run for City council offices. Not unheard of however, unique.


At this moment there are two elected members of the Los Angeles City Administration who were Assembly peoples – Kevin de Leon and Karen Bass. If it were not for that recording, Gil would be here too. Antonio is currently attempting for Governor again, which the mayor recently endorsed.


More unique, is our mayor’s history within the US House of Representatives. More so, her tenure there was during one of the biggest community development initiatives our federal government has overtaken, the Promise Zone Initiative. In 2016, she endorsed and attended the Slate-Z initiative.


Per – over $284 million in grants and four federal designations resulting in more than $352 million have been awarded for the region to date.


Determination Letter’s from the City Council provides limited insight on how these regions will be developed.


Objective 7.4, page 37, of the Redevelopment Plan:

  • “Improve the provision of governmental services, expedite the administrative processing of development applications...”


Source (click) - CPC-2018-6005-CA


…Promise Zones will receive customized federal support including: preferred access to certain competitive federal investments that further their strategic plans, federal staff on the ground to help them implement their goals and navigate federal programs…



Eased oversight from both City, State and Federal Agencies have effectively created the following:

  • The Goals and Objectives of none of the three (3) oversight departments have been realized – CRA/DLA, the Redevelopment Plan nor, the Los Angeles Promise Zone(s) Regions.

  • These locations have been utilized to racketeer illicit funds from underground party organizations which target: 1) the movie and music industry and local colleges.

  • The socio-economic state of Los Angeles is dire. Never, have its constituents been neglected so.





Instagram Search – Afterhours in Los Angeles


Sites of Underground/After’s Locations within Promise Zone and Redevelopment Project Area(s)

Council District Nine (9)


Assessor Parcel Number (APN)

APN: 5126011009


Council District Thirteen (13)

APN: 5545007002


Council District Fourteen (14)

APN: 5167002056


Council District Fourteen (14)

APN: 5190037012


These are not the only locations. From the site locations listed, underground operations are conducted within a city-block radius.

Date Uploaded: 10/08/2024

This Document has been created to make apparent these alleged accusations to the Los Angeles City, Council Office:

  1. The conspiracy amongst Los Angeles City Council Members for the Illegal Appreciation of Public Real Estate for Investor Sale/Use, and;

  2.  Underground/illegal Commerce, while:

  3. Negating to provide the public services required by California Law.


    1. The Council Members have been allegedly conspiring to, and have been enabling: allocate public land for for-profit, non-communal, developments – I.e. The New Gateway to Los Angeles Proposal for Skid Row Regions.

These current alleged allegations are extended as a result:

  1. Misuse of the Designated Redevelopment Regional Zones; complete non-intention of developing services within the regions allocated.

    1. Underground After’s began within regional zones as of 2018 (View Image: Two [2])

      1. Effect:

        1. Consistent emergency responses needed

        2. Per State and City ordinances: complete mis-use of allocated regional space (view list of assessor parcel numbers of underground sites below).

        3. Causational effect of social-economic erosion.

  2. City Planning Commission has not intended to realize contracted community obligations.

    1. Having maintained the region for nearly five (5) years, the largest proposition suggested is a non-community cohesive Construction Project:

      1. “L.A. times, in March 31st, 2024, wrote out-of-state developers, have proposing the development of a Massive Construction project, in the Northeast of Skid Row, for what is being named the “New Gateway to Los Angeles” Project. In which, the article, advised that communal agencies, such as Skid Row organizations, have not been given the authorization to participate in planning and marketing, for the project.”

    2. Fulfilling an alleged conspiracy to:

      1. Receive personal benefit, respectively, to Investor focused development projects by maintaining hold (Appreciation) of the real estate as real prices increased.

      2. These illegal parties were established before the City Officially Zones the Land Use Ordnances.

        1. Thus, leaving no further incentive to mobilize/galvanize/up-lift the area; as financial streams were created interconnecting between the Council Districts within these Redevelopment regions.

        2. Founders of the Redevelopment Project were, now disgraced:

          1. Ex-Councilman Jose Huizar (he and wife in Federal Prison)

          2. Ex-Councilman Gilbert Cedillo (disgraced – requested to resign, did not).

          3. Councilwoman Eunisses Herandez

            1. Same Staff members as Gilbert Cedillo, thus maintain strategic relations which are currently in play.

          4. Councilman Kevin de Leon (request to resign, did not – two [2] attempted recalls).

          5. Ex-Councilman Mich O’ Farrel

            1. Founding member of the Redevelopment Project

            2. Was in office when these events began.

          6. Councilman Hugo Soto-Martinez

            1. Maintains same to similar organizational structure as illustrated with Hernandez.

          7. Councilman Paul Krekorian

            1. Maintained leadership, since 2023, regarding the enactment of these operations.

            2. With such a history of emergency responses, they should have been made aware – if, truly, not allowed. In effect, they would have been closed before Mr. Dawson would have been able to advance to his current position.

          8. Councilman Marquese-Dawson

            1. As Marquese-Dawson will soon be the Council President, and is a Founder of the Redevelopment Plan, along with Mr. Krekorian, we can deduce that Mr. Dawson is aware of the current illicit dealings.

The Causing Effect (Allegedly):

  • Spheres of Financial Influence Are Overpowering Elected Officials Elected Obligations and Duties in Los Angeles.

Who is Allegedly Involved/Responsible:

Los Angeles City Council Members:

  • A 2018 Los Angeles City Planning Commission Case No.: CPC-2018-6005-CA allocated, from the Community Redevelopment Agency, Designated Local Authority (CRA/LA-DLA), regional community development properties to the City of Los Angeles (source below).


  • A Zoning Information Memo – 11/11/ 2019 – advised that the City of Los Angeles is the presiding agency for all; and approvals within the Redevelopment Project Areas (source below).


  • Part One (1), Chapter 2, Article Three (3), Section 33126 of the California Health and Safety Code, advises:


  • …To the greatest extent feasible, the opportunities for training and employment arising from a redevelopment project planning and execution shall be given to lower income residents of the project area. The agency shall adopt personnel rules and regulations applicable to all employees. Such rules shall contain procedures affecting conflicts of interest, use of funds, personnel procedures on hiring and firing including removal of personnel for inefficiency, neglect of duties, or misconduct in office. Such rules and regulations shall be of public record.

(source below).


Under professional investigation, or to the subject of the mayor, via an Emergency Declaration, WE REQUEST, if found factual:

  1. This council is no longer in a functional potion to move forward with ANY OPERATIONS WITHIN THESE REGIONS;

    1. The city, as authorized agent, may allocate resources and the region to other Actors.

  2. The V.A.L.U.E. Department is proposed to be created as an immediate alternative.

    1. Emergency operations can begin development immediately

      1. Councilwoman Hernandez’s event is based off our Art and Workforce Development Operations (sent, two emails threads with multiple documents, per request, to her, on June 20th and 24th 2024)




Julian Alexander Makara


A-Dream Foundation



December 21, 2018 - Redevelopment Plan Letter of Determination

Los Angeles City Planning Commission Case No.: CPC-2018-6005-CA

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) No.: ENV-2018-6006-CE


  • Objective 7.4, page 37, of the Redevelopment Plan:

    • “Improve the provision of governmental services, expedite the administrative processing of development applications...”

Los Angeles City Planning



July 2019 - CRA Transfer of Land Use Authority Project Case Number: ENV-2019-4121-ND

  • Page 16, labels and illustrates the twenty (20) Development Projects regions.

Los Angeles City Planning



November 11th, 2019 - Zoning Information Memo

  • “The City is the presiding agency for all land use approvals within the Redevelopment Project Areas.”





California State Law

  • California Health & Safety Code

    • Part One (1), Chapter 2, Article Three (3), Section 33123:

      • Public Function:

      • Each agency is performing a public function of the community.

    • Section 33125.5 – Records

      • An agency shall keep a record of the proceedings of its meetings and those records shall be open to examination by the public to the extent required by law.

    • Section 33126 – Officers, agents, counsel, and employees:

      • (a) An agency may select, appoint, and employ such permanent and temporary officers, agents, counsel, and employees as it requires, and determine their qualifications, duties, benefits, and compensation, subject only to the conditions and restrictions imposed by the legislative body on the expenditure or encumbrance of the budgetary funds appropriated to the community redevelopment agency administrative fund. To the greatest extent feasible, the opportunities for training and employment arising from a redevelopment project planning and execution shall be given to lower income residents of the project area. The agency shall adopt personnel rules and regulations applicable to all employees. Such rules shall contain procedures affecting conflicts of interest, use of funds, personnel procedures on hiring and firing including removal of personnel for inefficiency, neglect of duties, or misconduct in office. Such rules and regulations shall be of public record.

      • (b) An agency may contract with the Department of Housing and Community Development, or any other agency, for the furnishing by the department, or agency, of any necessary staff services associated with or required by redevelopment and which could be performed by the staff of an agency.

California Health & Safety Code




Sites of Underground/After’s Locations within Redevelopment Project Area(s)

Council District Nine (9)

Assessor Parcel Number (APN)

APN: 5126011009

Council District Thirteen (13)

APN: 5545007002

Council District Fourteen (14)

APN: 5167002056

Council District Fourteen (14)

APN: 5190037012







The Speech sent to the Council Members of CD Thirteen (13) and CD Eight (8) on Saturday 09:00 am

Speech for 10/08/2024


The Modern Speak-Easy


This summer our organization went through the grueling process of abiding the Cities protocol and platforms to communicate with our cities elected officials. 


Done to provide a prudent realization that they maybe holding a public office. But their efforts are for anyone but for the public. 


We were advised by CD 1 and DCA there was no funding for our community effort. 


Her Music and Poemas festival is our Family Artisan and Music (FAM) Market or with DCA the Back to Skool Fest. 


Her housing proposal is our Housing Attainment Outline. Both sent 06/20 and 06/24 2024. 


Offices are hoarding public funds, and stealing from their constituents, all the while extending liberties to questionable groups - which are illicit. 


IG search Los Angeles - After Hours.  


Most of them located in Hollywood, our industrial regions, south central and skid row!


Our cities elected and police officials are received compensation from underground organizations to provide Las Vegas Services with our Great City. 


Causing the collateral damage that we are are dealing with (local breaking and entering crimes, drug addiction, neglected case work, selective allocation of public funding, obtaining federal funds without sincerity planning on using them toward their intended purpose). 


This weekend - a post from these groups sending messages of condolences for the shooting that took place. This in DTLA with CD 14. Our la city online crime report holds no notice of a shooting which took place).  Yet IG is filled with first person reports. 


Police officers are seen avoiding streets that fill these events. 


I ask you again. Who do you work for. Private industry or the public. 





A-Dream Foundation

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